

Grandma’s Tipi: A Present-Day Lakota Story

“Now that Clara is almost in third grade, she’s finally old enough to spend her first summer away from home visiting her grandma, Unci, and her cousin at their home in Standing Rock Reservation. To welcome her visit, Uncle Louie brings an extra-special surprise in his pickup truck: the tipi that’s been passed down through their family for generations. The girls learn how to stack the poles and wrap the canvas covering around them, how to paint spirit pictures on its walls, and how the circle of the tipi tells its own story, reminding us to how to live in the great Circle of Life. Over long days spent playing outside, doing beadwork together, telling stories, singing songs, and sleeping under the stars, the tipi brings the family closer together. As summer draws to an end, goodbye comes all too soon, but Clara will always cling to the memories of summer days and starry nights . . . and Grandma’s tipi.” — publisher […]

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Gift horse

Relates the story of a Lakota youth whose father gives him a horse in preparation for his making the transition from boyhood into manhood and becoming a Lakota Warrior. […]

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Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull (c. 1831-1890) was one of the greatest Lakota /Sioux warriors and chiefs who ever lived. From Sitting Bull’s childhood — killing his first buffalo at age 10 — to being named war chief to leading his people against the U.S. Army, this book brings the story of the great chief to light. Sitting Bull was instrumental in the war against the invasive wasichus (white men) and was at the forefront of the combat, including the Battles of Killdeer Mountain and the Little Bighorn. He and Crazy Horse were the last Lakota/Sioux to surrender their people to the U.S. government and resort to living on a reservation. –publisher […]

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Buffalo Bird Girl

Traces the childhood, friendships and dangers experienced by Buffalo Bird Woman, a Hidatsa Indian born in 1839, whose community along the Missouri River in the Dakotas transitioned from hunting to agriculture.–publisher […]

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Coyote Christmas

His stomach rumbling, Coyote approaches a house on Christmas Eve hoping to trick the family there out of a hot meal by dressing as Santa Claus, but Sister Raven sees the strange events and plays a wonderful trick of her own. […]

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