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Our collection of picture books featuring Black and Indigenous people and People of Color (BIPOC) is available to the public. *Inclusion of a title in the collection DOES NOT EQUAL a recommendation.* Click here for more on book evaluation.

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Emily’s Idea


by Christine Evans

"An inspiring fable of one girl’s idea spreading a message of love, acceptance, and togetherness across the globe Emily’s idea started small. Many beautiful ideas do. She folded, doodled, and snipped. But also, like many ideas, Emily’s small idea grew. This inspiring tale begins when a little girl decides to create a paper chain of dolls. Her idea catches on and spreads far and wide, as children around the world begin to create and share their own. Emily's Idea shows children that their ideas matter—and that they have the power to create positive changes all around them. It also teaches the joy of connecting and befriending those who may look different from ourselves, but are more like us than we may think. Award-winning illustrator Marta Álvarez Miguéns lends her kid-compelling artwork to the adventure. For children ages 4–8. Includes a make-your-own paper doll chain template page to help children get started on their own paper doll chains." -- publisher

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