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The Lizard Prince and Other South American Stories
“In this thrilling and chilling comics collection, some of today’s finest cartoon art talents reimagine folklore from South America with a modern twist. Cursed princes, doomsday prophecies, fanciful pineapple wishes, and a fateful nighttime visit from a legendary sorcerer – these are just a few of the ancient tales whispered in the forests of South America, retold in this beautifully drawn comics treasury! This sixth volume of the “Cautionary Fables and Fairytales” anthology series features modern takes on folklore from across the continent, for a wide-ranging fireside collection of thrills and spooky chills.” — publisher

Wings and dreams
A young Pemon Indian boy in Venezuela named Takupí courageously tries to seek the source of life-giving water that will save his people and finds Angel Falls by following his shaman grandfather’s visions and befriending a wounded eagle.