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Mango Memories


by Nabi H. Ali

“Every summer, the branches of a little girl’s favorite tree droops heavy with mangoes. And this year, she is finally old enough to help her family harvest them. Her brother shares a memory about his first time mango picking: his father holding him steady as he reached high above for the fruit. But when the girl climbs the tree, she becomes too dizzy. Then her grandma shares a mango memory: learning, many years ago, to toss a stone that knocked the fruit from the branches. But when the girl throws her stone, she keeps missing.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

Only This Beautiful Moment


by Abdi Nazemian

“2019. Moud (short for Mahmoud) is an out gay teen living in Los Angeles with his distant father, Saeed. When Moud gets the news that his grandfather in Iran is dying, he accompanies his dad to Tehran, where the revelation of family secrets will force Moud into a new understanding of his history, his culture, and himself. 1978. Saeed is an engineering student with a promising future ahead of him in Tehran. But when his parents discover his involvement in the country’s burgeoning revolution, they send him to safety in America, a country Saeed despises. And even worse—he’s forced to live with the American grandmother he never knew existed. 1939. Bobby, the son of a calculating Hollywood stage mother, lands a coveted MGM studio contract. But the fairy-tale world of glamour he’s thrust into has a dark side. Set against the backdrop of Tehran and Los Angeles in three different eras, this sweeping tale of intergenerational trauma and love is an ode to the fragile bonds of family, the hidden secrets of history, and all the beautiful moments that make us who we are today.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity Oppression & Resilience

Asian American Women in Science


by Tina Cho

“An inspiring biography collection featuring 15 Asian American women who have paved new ground in STEM fields throughout history. Kazue Togasaki was one of the first Japanese American women to become a doctor. Chien-Shiung Wu was a Chinese American physicist who worked on top-secret projects. Isabella Aiona Abbott became an expert on the marine plant life of her native Hawaii. Asian American women are a huge part of scientific discovery, and this collection of biographies for kids explores 15 brilliant women, and how they used their intelligence and determination to overcome challenges and succeed.” — publisher


A Kurta to Remember


“Tomorrow is moving day and one little girl worries about moving so far, far away from her Aaji and Ajoba. But Aaji gifts her with a handmade kurta. A kurta with two big pockets for holding all the small things that will remind the girl of her grandparents–from the mogra flowers in Aaji’s hair to Ajoba’s diya. Then the girl has an even better idea and helps Aaji make two more kurtas with pockets she can fill to remind her grandparents of her too. When finally they are on other sides of a big ocean, they put on their kurtas–and do not feel so far, far away from one another.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

Tamarind and the Star of Ishta


by Jasbinder Bilan

“Tamarind has never met her Indian mother, Chinty, who died shortly after she was born. But when her father remarries, Tamarind is sent to India to stay with the family she has never met, in their atmospheric ancestral home—a huge mansion high in the Himalaya mountains. Her arrival in India brings culture shock, secrets, and unanswered questions: What is the tension between her father and the family, and why will no one talk about her mother? Instead of answers, she is greeted with ominous silence. Taking refuge in the lush gardens one moon-lit night, she follows a friendly monkey to find an abandoned hut and a glowing star ring, and meets Ishta, a mysterious mountain girl. Tamarind unravels the mysteries of the house alongside the search for her own identity.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

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