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Grandpa Cacao
As a little girl and her father work together to make her birthday cake, he tells the story of her Grandpa Cacao, a farmer from the Ivory Coast. Includes author’s note and a cake recipe

Songs in the shade of the cashew and coconut trees
Collects songs in a wide array of styles–nursery rhymes from Gabon, lullabies from Cape Verde, and rumbas from the Congo–that are performed in more than a dozen languages

Songs from the Baobab
Representing 11 languages originating from Central and West Africa and brought to life with lavish illustrations, this collection’s rhymes and lullabies soothe babies to sleep as the songs travel from one country and one language to another. Lyrics are reproduced in the original language and translated into English, followed by notes on the origin and cultural context of each song. The accompanying CD features 29 songs from 10 countries — including Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, and Senegal — each one unique in language and sound, recorded with indigenous instruments and exquisitely performed by women, men, and children. This delightful, enchanting production captures the staccato rhythm of the children’s rhymes and the poetry of the language as well as a sense of the heritage and tradition of each culture.–Back cover