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Our collection of picture books featuring Black and Indigenous Peoples and People of Color (BIPOC) is available to the public.

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Waiting to Welcome


“A little girl and her Ghanaian extended family joyfully prepare to celebrate the arrival of a new baby in this warm, inviting picture book. In Ghana and some other West African countries, when a baby is born, the extended family prepares for a whole week to welcome the little one at a celebration called an outdooring. Andani can’t wait to meet her new baby cousin, but a week is so long! As her aunties and uncles prepare cassava, tuo zaafi, fufu, and other delicious food for the outdooring, Andani will have to patiently (well, okay, sometimes not so patiently) wait to perform the most important job of all: being the first to greet the little one by name.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

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