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9 matching books

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The Mountains of Mumbai


by Labanya Ghosh and Pallavi Jain

“A young girl from Mumbai, India, is determined to show her friend from picturesque Ladakh that big cities have mountains too. Suitable for diverse and multicultural book collections. Doma has come all the way from Ladakh to visit her friend Veda in Mumbai. While Doma loves the sights and sounds of the big city, she longs for the mountains of Ladakh. Imagine her surprise when Veda reveals that there are mountains in Mumbai too! Author Labanya Ghosh takes you on an unforgettable tour of Mumbai, and illustrator Pallavi Jain’s watercolours bring alive this beloved, bustling coastal city.” — publisher

Any Child/Teen

Desert Girl, Monsoon Boy


by Tara Dairman and Archana Sreenivasan

“Extreme weather affects two children’s lives in very different ways and shows how the power of nature can bring us together. One girl. One boy. Their lives couldn’t be more different. While she turns her shoulder to sandstorms and blistering winds, he cuffs his pants when heavy rains begin to fall. As the weather becomes more severe, their families and animals must flee to safety—and their destination shows that they might be more alike than they seem. The journeys of these two children experiencing weather extremes in India highlight the power of nature and the resilience of the the human spirit.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

The Divali Story


by Anita Ganeri and Carole Gray

Anita Ganeri retells the traditional stories of world religion festivals with her usual sensitivity and gift for drawing children into the narrative. Exquisite watercolour illustrations breath warmth and life into the story. Suggestions for activities are included in every book, as well as special recipes that children will enjoy trying out. The Hindu festival of Divali celebrates the goddess Lakshmi and the victory of good over evil and light over darkness and is celebrated in October.

Centering Culture & Identity

Harini & Padmini Say Namaste


by Amy Maranville and Tim Palin

Join Harini and Padmini for yoga! Miss Janini will teach the class about the ancient spiritual history of yoga, along with some asanas (poses). It’s Padmini’s first yoga class, and she doesn’t know most of the poses, but she cannot wait to learn. Come learn with her!

Centering Culture & Identity

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