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Pocket Bios: Pocahontas
“Pocahontas was a Native American teenager famous for her connection to the colonial settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. She is said to have saved the life of Englishman John Smith. At the age of seventeen, she married tobacco farmer John Rolfe, eventually moving to England with him. Her story has been highly romanticized in literature and film over the years, and remains captivating to this day.P” — publisher

Jemmy Button
Provides a fictionalized account of Jemmy Button, a native boy from Tierra del Fuego who was brought to London to be educated and then returned home to his island

The Mayflower
Narrates the historic journey of the one hundred and two passengers aboard the Mayflower and their settlement at Plymouth Harbor. ~Publisher

Squanto’s journey
Squanto recounts how in 1614 he was captured by the British, sold into slavery in Spain, and ultimately returned to the New World to become a guide and friend for the colonists.

“Meet Pocahontas!Fact-filled Rookie Read-About Biographies introduce the youngest readers to influential women and men, both past and present. Colorful photos and age appropriate text encourage children to read on their own-as they learn about people like Serena Williams, Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank and many more. Pocahontas’ people, the Powhatan, were already living in Virginia when the first English settlers arrived. Without the help and friendship of this young American Indian girl, the settlers at Jamestown would surely have starved to death. She is one of America’s earliest heroes.” — publisher