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Jerry Changed the Game!: How Engineer Jerry Lawson Revolutionized Video Games Forever


by Don Tate and Cherise Harris

“Before Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch, there was a tinkerer named Jerry Lawson. As a boy, Jerry loved playing with springs, sprockets, and gadget-y things. When he grew up, Jerry became an engineer—a professional tinkerer—and in the 1970s, he turned his technical know-how to video games. Back then, if players wanted a new video game, they had to buy an entire new console, making gaming very expensive. Jerry was determined to fix this problem, and despite roadblocks along the way and having to repeat a level or two, it was never game over for his mission. Eventually, he leveled up and built a brand-new kind of video game console: one that allowed players to switch out cartridges! He also founded Video Soft, Inc., the first African American–owned video game company in the country. Jerry’s tinkering and inventions changed the video gaming world forever. Today, gamers have access to hundreds of video games at the push of a button, all thanks to him. Game on!” — publisher


Swinging Into History: Toni Stone: Big-League Baseball’s First Woman Player


by Laura Freeman

“Nothing could stop Toni “Tomboy” Stone from playing baseball—not even her parents. The only girl on a church team, she persevered as insults were hurled her way from the boy players. She caught the attention of former major leaguer Gabby Street, who gave her a chance at his summer baseball school. With Coach Street’s training—and the cleats he gifted her—Toni managed to earn a spot in the minor leagues. Though teams were hesitant to sign a woman, she pitched the idea that fans would pay to see a woman play—and it worked! But Toni’s persistence and optimism were not enough to win over the Jim Crow South crowds nor her male teammates. Coaches put her in the starting lineup and then benched her early, every game, no matter her results. But her talent got noticed and she was signed by the Indianapolis Clowns, becoming the first woman to break into the pros. “Toni arrives,” shouted newspaper headlines, and she delivered! In her first professional game she ripped a single and drove in two runs, and left the crowd chanting “TONI! TONI! TONI!”” — publisher

Biography/Autobiography Cross Group Oppression & Resilience

Ketanji: Justice Jackson’s Journey to the U.S. Supreme Court


by Kekla Magoon and Laura Freeman

“Ketanji Brown Jackson is no stranger to people trying to stand in her way. When a guidance counselor told her she should set her sights lower than Harvard, she decided to go to Harvard for her undergraduate degree and her law degree. When she became a public defender and was confronted with systemic inequalities in the justice system, she used her legal skills to advocate for people who needed her help, but couldn’t afford an attorney. Ketanji’s path to the Supreme Court may have been unique—she’s the only current Justice to have been a public defender and one of just a few who went to public school—but it is distinctively powerful and heartening, and will present a generation of readers with a new inspirational figure.” — publisher


A Song for the Unsung: Bayard Rustin, the Man Behind the 1963 March on Washington


by Rob Sanders and Carole Boston Weatherford

“On August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million activists and demonstrators from every corner of America convened for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was there and then that they raised their voices in unison for racial and economic justice for all Black Americans, to call out inequities, and, ultimately, to advance the Civil Rights Movement. Every movement has its unsung heroes. Individuals in the background who work without praise and accolades, who toil and struggle without notice. One of those unsung heroes was at the center of some of the most important decisions and events of the Civil Rights Movement. Credited with introducing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the power of peaceful protest, for orchestrating the March on Washington, and for skillfully composing the program that placed Dr. King at the end of the list of speakers and musicians for what would become his historic “I Have a Dream” speech, this unsung hero will be celebrated for the first time in a picture book. The unsung hero behind the movement was a quiet man. A gay, African American man. He was Bayard Rustin. On the heels of the sixtieth anniversary of this historic moment, two acclaimed picture book authors tell Bayard’s inspiring story in an innovative and timeless book. A Song for the Unsung is the rousing story of one of our nation’s greatest calls to action by honoring one of the men who made it happen.” — publisher

Biography/Autobiography Oppression & Resilience

Home of the Brave: An American History Book for Kids


by Brooke Khan

“The United States has always been a nation of immigrants―and now you can learn all about the amazing people who’ve helped shape it, with this history book for kids age 9-12. Home of the Brave: An American History Book for Kids gives you an exciting and engaging look into the lives and contributions of these incredible individuals. From Levi Strauss to Isabel Allende, discover how these dedicated and creative people made their mark―and how you can follow in their footsteps.” — publisher


Bless the Blood


by Walela Nehanda

“When Walela is diagnosed at twenty-three with advanced stage blood cancer, they’re suddenly thrust into the unsympathetic world of tubes and pills, doctors who don’t use their correct pronouns, and hordes of “well-meaning” but patronizing people offering unsolicited advice as they navigate rocky personal relationships and share their story online. But this experience also deepens their relationship to their ancestors, providing added support from another realm. Walela’s diagnosis becomes a catalyst for their self-realization. As they fill out forms in the insurance office in downtown Los Angeles or travel to therapy in wealthier neighborhoods, they begin to understand that cancer is where all forms of their oppression intersect: Disabled. Fat. Black. Queer. Nonbinary.” — publisher

Biography/Autobiography Oppression & Resilience

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