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Tribal Affiliation / Homelands

Zoologists on the Trail (Kid Scientist)


by Sue Fliess and Mia Powell

“The kid scientists are in Yellowstone National Park, checking on a wolf pack they last saw one year ago. Kai is a zoologist. He and his team study animals and how they behave in their environments. Their latest assignment: observing wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Using a combination of old and new technology, Kai’s team checks the pack’s health and its effect on the environment. Inspired by a real-world study, this story introduces readers to the terms, tools, and techniques zoologists use in their research, including bioacoustics, the study of making and receiving animal sounds.” — publisher

Any Child/Teen Cross Group Informational

Muinji’j Asks Why: The Story of the Mi’kmaq and the Shubenacadie Residential School


by Breighlynn MacEachern (Muinji’j), Shanika MacEachern and Zeta Paul

“When seven-year-old Muinji’j comes home from school one day, her Nana and Papa can tell right away that she’s upset. Her teacher has been speaking about the residential schools. Unlike most of her fellow students, Muinji’j has always known about the residential schools. But what she doesn’t understand is why the schools existed and why children would have died there. Nana and Papa take Muinji’j aside and tell her the whole story, from the beginning. They help her understand all of the decisions that were made for the Mi’kmaq, not with the Mi’kmaq, and how those decisions hurt her people. They tell her the story of her people before their traditional ways were made illegal, before they were separated and sent to reservations, before their words, their beliefs, and eventually, their children, were taken from them.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity Oppression & Resilience

Rainbow Shopping


by Qing Zhuang

“On a rainy Saturday, a young girl feels as gray as a pigeon. Since moving from China to New York City, Mom, Dad, and Grandma have been very busy working. But a trip to Mom’s favorite Chinatown store to find the best produce, seafood, and spices for dinner just might turn the girl’s day around. Later on, Dad steams, boils, fries, and stir-fries all the ingredients while girl and Grandma taste-test. After cozy goodnights, a final dream spread shows the family walking hand-in-hand in rainbow colors–an affirmation of love and support even on rainy, gray days.” — publisher

Centering Culture & Identity

Daniela and History’s Women Pirates


by Susanna Isern and Gomez

“Daniela discovers her grandmother’s old book with stories of ten brave pirate women. From the seas of China to the shores of New York, from ancient Greece to modern times, these female pirates sailed the oceans in search of riches. Explore the lives of some of the notable female pirates: Awilda, Mary Read, Lai Choi San, Grace O’Malley, Ching Shih… Although they were often forbidden from sailing, they refused to accept their destinies. Their lives and deeds inspired Daniela.” — publisher

Biography/Autobiography Incidental Informational

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