A lyrical celebration of multiculturalism as a parent shares with a child the value of their heritage and why it should be a source of pride, even when others disagree.
Themes & Content
- Genres
- Fiction
- Central Theme Categories
- Centering Culture & Identity
- Race/Culture/Identity Concepts
- Content
- Languages & Communication
- Ethnicity
- Mexican
- Unspecified
- Tribal Affiliation / Homelands
- Maya
- Immigration Representation
- Immigrants
- Gender Representation
- Boys/Men
- Girls/Women
- Race / Culture
- Bi/Multiracial/Mixed Race
- Brown-Skinned and/or Race Unspecified
- First/Native Nations/American Indian/Indigenous
- Latinx/Hispanic/Latin American
- Religion
- Muslim
- Character Prominence
- Joint Main
- Secondary