When eighth grader and aspiring journalist Indigo breaks an important story, exposing an unfair school policy, she's suddenly popular for the first time. The friends who've recently drifted away from her want to hang out again. Then Indigo notices that the school's disciplinary policies seem to be enforced especially harshly with students of color, like her. She wants to keep investigating, but her friends insist she's imagining things. Meanwhile, Indigo stumbles upon a book by Black journalist and activist Ida B. Wells—with private letters written by Ida tucked inside. As she reads about Ida's lifelong battle against racism, Indigo realizes she must choose between keeping quiet and fighting for justice.
Themes & Content
- Central Theme Categories
- Any Child/Teen
- Oppression & Resilience
- Race/Culture/Identity Concepts
- Content
- Activism/Social Justice Movements
- Diverse Families/Family Dynamics
- Inequalities
- Race-Related
- Relationship/Sexuality
- Gender Representation
- Boys/Men
- Girls/Women
- Sexual Orientation / Relationship Representation
- Heterosexual
- Race / Culture
- Bi/Multiracial/Mixed Race
- Black/African/African American
- Multi-Racial Cast of Characters
- White/European American/Caucasian
- Religion
- Unspecified
- Character Prominence
- Dominant Main
- Secondary
- Unique Contributions
- Bi/Multiracial/Mixed Race characters and/or story