“When Sona learns about the climate crisis at school, she worries nobody is doing enough to combat it. So she takes up the challenge herself! But her family isn’t amused when Sona suddenly gets rid of her sister’s diapers and turns off Thatha and Paatti’s cooling fan during their nap. Sona finds a better way to implement change, at a family meeting where everyone helps make a list of ways to conserve. Energized, Sona sets her sights on the rest of the neighborhood. When she learns many of the kolams—traditional art that people draw in front of their homes to celebrate the festival season—are not eco-friendly, she makes plans for some even bigger changes. Can Sona convince everyone to get involved—even her own strong-willed grandmother?” — publisher […]
Authors: Soundar, Chitra
A Sliver of Moon and a Shard of Truth: Stories from India
“Clever Prince Veera and his best friend, Suku, are back in a vibrant new collection of stories riddled with surprises. When the prince’s great uncle, Raja Apoorva, invites the boys to the summer festival in Peetalpur, Prince Veera and Suku are excited to compete in the games. It’s no easy feat to make the peahen sing (when peahens can’t sing) or defeat the country’s champion wrestler, but Raja Apoorva’s riddles prove the ultimate test of the boys’ wit and wisdom. Who owns the tree that provides the palace figs? What intruder dared pull the Raja’s beard? And what are the secrets of the holy man and the astronomer? Packed with glorious trickster tradition, wise-cracking dialogue, and gemlike illustrations, these festive tales of two fast-thinking friends will captivate readers of all ages.” — publisher […]
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