Retelling of a folktale about Akiro, a young Japanese boy, whose obsession with drawing cats leads him to an adventure that would change his life. Based on a legend about the Japanese artist Sesshū Tōyō […]
Authors: Ravishankar, Anushka
Excuses excuses
"Meet Neel, who has the most noble intentions, all of which have a strange way of going wrong– Excuses, excuses! captures the gleeful childhood dilemma of knowing the importance of rules versus the delight in breaking them"–Back cover […]
The Rumor
"Pandurang, the fruit-seller, is so dour that he can make milk turn sour. One day he coughs up a feather. As the story of Pandurang’s feather is passed from one person to another, it grows and grows until it can hardly be recognized. And that’s when the story weaves its magic on the ill-tempered Pandurang. An international verson of ‘broken telephone, ‘ The Rumor is a funny cautionary tale about the nature of rumors"–Publisher description […]
Tiger on a Tree
After trapping a tiger in a tree, a group of men must decide what to do with it. […]