“Jim’s “Strongest Man in the World!” costume gives him the confidence he needs to stand up to a third-grade bully and save the day.” — publisher […]
Authors: Cohen, Miriam
Layla’s Head Scarf
“Miriam Cohen’s timely story highlights a challenge that many children face in today s multicultural environment. Layla, a new girl in first grade, wears a headscarf but it does not take long for the others to welcome her. Ronald Himler’s watercolor illustrations give the first graders distinct characteristics and provide a realistic portrayal of a first grade classroom. (Part of the We Love First Grade Series)” — publisher […]
Bee My Valentine
“It’s Valentine’s Day and the first graders are excited about the cards they will receive. Their teacher requests everybody in class to send a Valentine’s card to everybody else so that nobody feels left out. However, in their eagerness to create the best cards the first graders remember to make cards only for their best friends! This upsets George who does not get as many Valentines as everybody else. Luckily, his friends know just how to cheer him up and as they play music and dance around him, it is one happy Valentine’s Day party for everybody after all!
This reissue of Miriam Cohen’s book provides a realistic insight into the minds of children as they share their lives in a first grade classroom. Ronald Himler’s new pencil-and-watercolor illustrations skillfully use body language and facial expression to chart the children’s emotional highs and lows.” — publisher […]
Jim’s Dog, Muffins
“When Jim returns to school after his dog, Muffins, is hit by a garbage truck and dies, the first-graders try to share his loss and ease his pain. But Jim refuses to talk or even let anyone come near him. He does not participate in any school activities and mopes about, thinking of his beloved dog. Jim does not even choose a book when everybody else sits down to read! The wise teacher points out that Jim may need more time to feel his grief.
However, on the way home from school, Paul cheers Jim up by offering him a slice of pizza and the chance to talk about his dog. Through tears of joy and sadness, Jim finally opens up and shares a sweet memory of Muffins.
This reissue deals sensitively with the way children experience loss. New watercolor illustrations by Ronald Himler give the children unique personalities and help readers empathize with their experiences.” — publisher […]
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!
“When Alex, the new boy in first grade, tries to make others notice him with his boasts about rocket toys and ponies, his plan backfires. The first graders dont like liars and refuse to have anything more to do with him. However, on the day of the class Christmas party, he helps Jim look for his missing Christmas decoration, and is then given a second chance. Alex realizes that it is not difficult to make friends after all! This newly-illustrated reissue of Miriam Cohens book deals sensitively with the challenges that children face when they begin social interaction at school. Ronald Himlers new watercolor illustrations give the first graders distinctive personalities and provide a riveting picture of the everyday tragicomedy of a first grade classroom.” — publisher […]
First Grade Takes a Test
“The first grade is distressed by an intelligence test which fails to measure true aptitude.” — publisher […]
My big brother
When his big brother leaves to become a soldier, a boy does what he can to take his place in the family […]
Down in the Subway
“A boy meets the Island Lady on the subway. Out of her bag comes an ocean breeze, a Caribbean meal, a steel band and a party he will never forget!” — publisher […]